My new copy of The Jimi Hendrix Experience – Are You Experienced is super fantastic. I have owned a copy of the original release for a long time but there are 3 tracks that are unplayable. So to get a repressing that I can listen to all the way through is fantastic. It is recorded from the original tapes and when the record starts you can hear the tape his start up before the song starts. I love it, it sounds to cool. It is truly a fantastic studio album. There are so many artists that I listen to from today and I can hear that so many of them are influenced by this group. It is uncanny. For me this is an important album to have to track the history of music but more importantly the utter genius of the music that was created on this album. I love the infusion of R&B into the rock. I don’t think that most people would get that. I think that most people just see it as classic rock. I see it as R&B and Rock and Folk all fused together to create something that has influenced generations of music lovers and writers alike.
On the other hand, The Jimi Hendrix Experience – Electric Ladyland is not quite as fantastic. There are some serious gems on this album but I think that the illusion of live tracks and standard sounding studio tracks could have been separated a bit better or the removal of the cheering and clapping could have been removed. If it was intended to be there I think that it is a bit cheesy or cheap sounding. I am not all that familiar with this album except for the Bob Dylan cover of All Along The Watch Tower. I do like the jam songs that happen twice on this album. They are the 2 songs that are over 10 minutes long. They show his understanding of jazz soloing with the infusion of other genres in the songs as well. They are just fantastic in my opinion. The reason that I got this album is for the Bob Dylan cover but I knew that there would be some other super cool stuff happening on here just because of the stuff that I have heard on the groups first album.
The Dylan cover always reminds me of my father and other references to the Vietnam conflict. My father was a part of this conflict. Every movie that I have seen that has anything to do with that “war” uses that song in it. At least that is what it seems like to me. I am not a war movie censure but every war movie that I have seen has used the song. I link my father to the song only because he was actually there and the movies use the song. So, A references B references C, if you get my meaning.
In reference to the Oingo Boingo – Oingo Boingo EP, I haven’t listened to it for a while. After listening to the 10” inch version, I find that I like the slight difference in the versions from the Demo EP versions compared to the Only A Lad Full length album versions. The Demo EP versions are a little bit more live or active. They don’t sound so stifled. I still like the first full length album but it is refreshing to hear some of the tracks in a different light.
I haven’t written about this yet and I am surprised that it has slipped my mind. My wife and I are going to go to see Jónsi this Sunday. This tour that he is on is to support the new album Go. The set is supposed to use new techniques in concert going. It is mainly using video really but the animation and live action usage is supposed to be done in a completely new way for concert goers. Either way I am very excited to see him play this new music live.
I found out recently that Alice Cooper –Bilion Dollar Babies is going to be repressed. I am pretty excited about this one. We will see what happens.

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