Radiohead - OK Computer

In my opinion this is their brightest/fuzziest album ever. The last album, although fuzzy, was not bright and shinny. This was the last album before they changed the ball game completely. To many fans this is and always will be the best Radiohead album. I do not think this way. I love this album for the sound that they created on it but it is a third place at the moment with In Rainbows in 2nd and Kid A in 1st.
This album was released in 1997. This was a year when I was actually working a full time job, married for the first time and able to do the things that I thought were important to me. I was finaly able to skateboard. My parents did not let me do things that were associated with the punk movement in the past. Since I was living on apart from them I could persue the things that I wanted to do and skating was one of them. I skated with my then brother-in-law. He was still early in high school at the time. I also started getting into the idea of a dedicated stereo. I had a room all to my self where I would read and listen to music. In this room was a comfy padded chair, an integrated amp, a CD player and 2 speakers sitting on empty Rubbermaid bins to bump the bass from the speakers. I had an incredibly easy life at that time. All I had to do was to work my full time job and do what ever I felt like doing after my 8 hours were up. I am not saying that I don’t like my life now but it is more difficult to make things work.
When I started writing my own music with a program called Reason, from a company called Propellerheads, I decided to call my one man band LetDown after the Radiohead song from OK computer. I have never released any of this music. I have created some interesting stuff through the use of this software but because it is all synth and sampled sounds it sounds fake to most people’s ears. I have since renamed the band because I am now recording most of the music with real instruments using ProTools to record. The name of the band, just incase you were wondering, is now PurelyHim.
The stand out tracks on this album for me are first Electioneering, Let Down and Lucky. None of these are singles released for the album. They are all just standard album tracks. Electioneering was the first song that I fell in love with because the guitar is so cool sounding distorted. The other 2 are really lead ins to the Kid A album that followed this one.

Random – Happy Ending After All
This is an 8-bit or a Chip Tune EP that was released on the 8Bit Peoples web page. I have been collecting music from them for a few years now but this one is the best one that I think I have heard. Everything that has come from this web site is based on the original Nintendo or the Nintendo Gamboy sound applications. For most this music is absolutely abrasive. For the most part I agree but this EP in particular I think every one should listen to. There are not any abrasive sounds that stand out the way that the 6 songs are arranged. All of the music reminds me of Mega-Man music. This music is easy to listen to bubbly sounding and not jarring at all. I highly recommend this EP to anybody who has an interest in new and different music.
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