Rilo Kiley - More Adventurous
This album was released in 2004. It seems so long ago and at the same time it was just yesterday. The single that got me into this album is called Portions For Foxes (released in spring 2005). I had just started listening to The Current (89.3). Either that or I was listening to yahoo music at work. My best friend was dating a girl who was completely wrong for him. This song, to me, was their relationship to a T. I am not sad that He was dating her because it was through her and her friends that I met my wife. It seems sad that my best friend had to have a bad relationship for me to find my wife. It was a really great time for me, the years between 05 and 07. This song and this album were the start of that great time. It is so twisted and convoluted along with the great stories that came from the friends that I made during that time. This is only a small part of the stories that come from that period. The girl ended up being a close friend for a while. She ended up moving to Cali. and I haven't heard from her for a while. I did feel left out for a long time with them. I felt this way because there were times when I was not invited to stay after church when I knew that others were allowed. It was at the same time selfish of me to feel that way because I knew that I needed to be home to get some sleep to be to work on time. I also had my son with me on those days. There may have been a little jealousy in my heart as well because I did not have a girlfriend at the time either. I had not even met my wife yet. I am not mad about it but my friend was trying to shield me from all those people because they were such a strange diverse group that conflicted in so many different ways.
Any way, I will try to get into this stuff more in later posts. It is just to much to get into at this point. I will try to chip at it once in a while. This is just one glimpse into the start of that wonderful time for me.
I want to talk about
Jónsi - Go more.

I really love this album now that I have given it a chance to sit and soak it in. It is really so much fun and very playful. It reminds me of being a kid between the ages of 5 and 10. I think about doing the stupid things that I did when I was that age. going over to the park and just having fun with whoever was there. It did not matter who was there just that there was someone there and it was always fun. whether it be making noise building a sand castle, playing tag or some other organized sport that we organized as kids (football or baseball for example). It is just all over the place and crazy kid like stuff. I can remember going over to Keys park with my mom before the metal castle was taken down. That was the coolest playground that I can ever remember seeing. I really liked that place. It also had the biggest hill in the local area. I can remember walking the mile and a half with my sister on Saturday mornings. we would stay until either exhaustion or starvation would drive us home. The hill is still to this day the best in Columbia Heights. The second best and not as well known is the hill at Silver Lake. Not many go there and so the snow is always fluffy. I remember making a jump in the middle of the hill that stood 2 to 3 feet high. We used some warm water to get the thing to be solid. I remember going over that jump and landing on my feet we got so much air off that one. I think that this album reminds me more of the great winter time snow sledding days more than the the park at Keys. I think that the memory of Keys park was evoked because they had to tear down that awesome metal park. I am not sure but I believe that the castle was so tall that when a kid fell from the top he/she died. I think that my mom told me that was the reason. This memory was brought up because there are some down songs and these are the memories of my childhood. I did not see the kid fall so that did not mean much to me really just that the park had to be torn down and replaced by a plastic thing. Like they all seem to be doing or have already done to them. It is sad really.
That is all I have for now.
Signing off.
I love these glimpses into your life.