MuteMath – Armistice
I have a friend that has been talking about this album for months. Every time I saw him we would talk about music (that is just the way I am). He would always talk about this album. I knew of the group only because they had a single on the Twilight Soundtrack. That’s right I said Twilight. The sound tracks have been amazing even if the movies/books are so so. Anyway, the single from this album was also on the Twilight Soundtrack. The song is called Spotlight. It is a really great track with a basic clap at a rapid pace for the drums. Like I said I really like the song but I don’t usually go after artists who have songs on a soundtrack unless I am already into the artist. Well the last time I talked to my friend he brought this album up again. I had heard that I should check out this album one to many times and I finally searched it out. I listened to it all the way through and just about dropped my jaw. The musicality and layering used on this album is fantastic. I mean I want to write music like this. The group is a veiled Christian group. You couldn’t really tell unless you listened closely to the lyrics. I was actually surprised that my friend had a good choice by the way. He is usually into stuff that I don’t even want to even touch. He did turn me onto Family Force 5 though so I can’t knock him too hard. I liked the album so much that I started looking into the band. I found that they have 2 albums, an EP and a single that have been released. I also found that I could get the single and the latest (2nd) album on vinyl. I am very excited that I can potentially get the other released that the group have put out. That is if this album is an accurate comparison anyway.

I bought this album when the CD was released but I did not end up with a copy that had the plastic flies in the binding. This was not a big deal as, at the time, I was not into getting the extras that came with stuff but more interested in the music that was on the disc. I was and have been very iffy with this band. I loved the second album called Dirt. I bought this because of Dirt. They are 2 completely different releases. To me this release has a little more levity to the songs. There are fun swing beats and country twang beats rolled into these songs. The first 2 single from this EP are what got me in though. They are I Stay Away and No Excuses. I remember watching the video to I Stay Away at home while I was still in high school. We still had free cable on our single 32” TV in the house. I remember watching it on a sunny day with the volume up pretty loud. The video, if I remember correctly was black and white with splashes of color once in a while. The title reference is about an experiment that the cofounder of the band had in 3rd grade apparently. You can find it on Wiki if you’re interested.

Beartiful Let Down was my introduction to Christian rock. I heard the first single, Meant To Live, on the local rock radio station. I thought that it was just a regular rock song until I started to listen to the lyrics. I realized that this was some of the most meaningful music that I had ever listened to. It was at this point that I started seeking out Christian rock and metal artists. I found quite a few actually. I remember hearing this single most frequently on the way to and from work at UPS. Coincedently, this was exactly when I needed to hear this song. When I heard the song on the way home it was usually after working hard and wondering if I am even doing the right thing in this world that we live in. At the time I had a son who was about to start school. I wasn’t looking for a companion at the moment but knew that I couldn’t handle living on my own forever. I knew that I had God on my side, even more so now with the discovery of this music. It was the start of some good times ahead.

Stereolab – Fab Four Suture

This is a compilation album of a series of six 7” records. It is 12 songs total. The music contained on this CD envelops you as you listen to it. The first and last tracks are bookends for the album. Both tracks are jarring but get your attention. To me they say the album is about to start or the album is now ending. This is a collection for the Stereolab collector in my opinion. It is a great album but not everyone can get into Stereolab. If you love analog keyboard soundscapes and horns and guitar all mashed together to make something truly beautiful then maybe this album is for you otherwise maybe take a pass on this one.
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