Here is my list of favorite albums from 2011 that I have purchased. There are a few albums from this past fall that I have not yet purchased but still plan on getting. Because I don't have them yet they are not included in this list. I will list those albums at the end of this post. I will hopefully get them soon and will also review them next year.
Here is the list of my favorites in no particular order:
Yuck - Yuck
Wierd Al Yancovic - Alpocalypse
Weekend - Red EP
Veronica Falls - Veronica Falls
Tapes N' Tapes - Outside
Surfer Blood - Tarot Classics
Silversun Pickups - Seasick
She & Him - A very She & Him Christmas
Saves The Day - Daybreak
Radiohead - The King Of Limbs
Radiohead - TKOL RMX
Radiohead - Live From The Basement-The King Of Limbs
Philip Selway - Running Blind
The Pains of Being Pure At Heart - Belong
Owl City - All Things Bright and Beautiful
Kelly Clarkson - Stronger
Jonsi - Go Out EP
Jonsi - We Bought A Zoo
Jill Scott - Light of the Sun
Incubus - If Not Now, When?
Gorillaz - The Fall
Gold-Bears - Are You Falling In Love?
Foo Fighters - Wasting Light
Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues
Falling Up - Your Sparkling Death Cometh
Does It Offend You, Yeah? - Don't Say We Didn't Warn You
The Dodos - No Color
Death Cab For Cutie - Codes and Keys
Broken Bells - Meyrin Fields
Bon Iver - Bon Iver
The Black Keys - El Camino
Big Troubles - Romantic Comedy
Here is the list of albums that I have missed but want to have:
Justice - Audio Video Disco
Death Cab For Cutie - Keys & Codes Remix EP
Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto
Family Force 5 - III
Switchfoot - Vice Verses
I hope that you enjoyed these albums as much as I did or that I at least prompted you to look into these groups and albums.
Happy New Year everyone!
I hope to be starting Vol.3 sooner than later! That is all for now...
Friday, December 30, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Vol. 2 Episode 50
Here it is, number 50. It is not exciting but there is still some interesting things written about. Enjoy!
This is the second EP from Weekend. It was released in early
fall of 2011. The only single released from this five track EP is called Hazel.
The song is a super catchy Shoegazer song with Progressive tendencies. The rest
of the EP is standard Weekend fair. It is excessive noise pop that will make
your ears ring. It is a great EP though. It is just enough music from the group
to not be numb in the ears because of the noise that the group can produce. The
EP was released on CD and standard black vinyl to start with. It was later
released on clear red vinyl with an even later limited release, because of
production issues, on clear vinyl with gold splatter. The latter record came in
a red plastic sleeve.
This is the first album from Lipps Inc. It was released in 1979. There was a single
from this album that I have been after since I was a kid called Funkytown. I
loved this song as a kid and couldn’t get enough of the track. The robotic
vocals that were used in parts of the song reminded me of the Cylons vocals from
the TV show Battle Star Galactica. I finally tracked down the album and found
out that the group originated from Minnesota.
This is a very short album with only four tracks. I was lucky to find a copy
still sealed for just a few bucks. does in house live studio sessions now and
again. Veronica Falls happened to stop by their studio
reciently to record a three song set with them. They recorded two album tracks
and a new track that has not been heard before. The three track are Beachy Head, Come On Over and the new track Burry Me
Alive. All three tracks sound fantastic and it is always to hear new music from
any artist. I just hope that they put out this new track on a single. It is a pretty
good song.
Big Troubles recently visited the Daytrotter studio for a
recording session. They recorded four tracks during the session and only one
track I had heard previously. This session is free if you are interested in
hearing what they sound like. They did put out an album before the most recent
album, Romantic Comedy, so some of the tracks could be from there.
Vol. 3 will be starting up near the middle of January with lots of new and old music.
That's all for now...
Friday, November 25, 2011
Vol. 2 Episode 49
I happen to have some extra time over the long weekend so here is the next episode, enjoy.

I don't know if any of you care but I have been watching the US version of The X Factor. Bruno Mars, who I really don't care for, sang a cover version of the song It Will Rain (watch it here). There is a version of him singing this song that is going to be on the sound track for the movie Breaking Dawn part 1. I looked up the version that will be on the soundtrack and it seems to fall flat compared to the version that was sung on The X Factor. If you have a chance go to The X Factor YouTube channel and watch it. It is really amazing!
That is all for now.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Vol. 2 Episode 48
Hey every one,
Cutting it down to the wire here aren't I? As it stands I may not get to episode 50 this year. My work obligations for christmas are going to be more cumbersom than I thought this year. I know that it is only to more episodes to make it to number 50 but we will see what happens with december. I will be sure to post on FB (if you are friends with me) and Twitter (PurelyHim) when those last to episodes are released, if they are released though, you can be sure about that. You can always check my twitter feed which usually is only updated when I post a new episode.
On with the show...
This is the second
compilation album from R.E.M. (The first greatest hits album). It was released
in 1988 and was the last release from the band on the I.R.S. label. With the
release of the album Green the group had signed with Warner Bros. There are a
few rare versions of songs that are included with this collection. This is a
good over view of their work with I.R.S records, their early work as it is.
This album does have the alternate title of File Under Grain. The album
Document had the alternate title File Under Fire and the album Reckoning had
the alternate title File Under Water.
Since it is a greatest hits album I will just talk about the three
different tracks on the album. The first is an alternate version of Gardening
At Night from the Chronic Town EP. The track is actually labeled as Gardening
at Night (Different Vocal Mix). The vocal mix is only slightly different and if
you are not listening for it you will not catch it. The next song is called
Romance. This song is taken from The soundtrack for the movie Made In Heaven. I
have not seen this movie but fits as a great rare song on this collection. The
soundtrack for the movie was never put out on CD that I am aware of. The last
song is called Finest Work Song (Mutual Drum Horn Mix). This is obviously a
different mix on the drums and Horns. Both of these different remix versions
are good but don’t seem to stand out as something super special. The rare song
on the album that was included on the sound track is a very cool song with a
fun bouncy bass line but doesn’t seem like your average R.E.M. song. I like it
because it is different. I wouldn’t say that everyone should own this
compilation though since there are more current compilations or best of album
that are out there. I was lucky to find this for 50 cents on cassette. I
thought it would be a fun listen but did not want to spend a ton of money on
it. It is a good collection of songs but unless you are a big fan of the group
I would probably not recommend getting the album. If you are like me, you may
just happen to run across it purely by coincidence.
This is the first album from Squarepusher, A.K.A Tom Jenkinson.
The album was released in 1996. Squarepusher is a brilliant bassist and drum
machine programmer. All of the music on this album is completely electronic or
electronica as the genre has labeled it. This is one of my favorite album from
Squarepusher. There are some very beautiful sounds that are used along with
some brilliant jazz ideas. The very first track on the album, Squarepusher
Theme, showcases his electric bass chops and overly technical drum programming.
This song would probably be way to much for most people but this is where I
took my cue to write drums on my first two albums. I loved the myriad of drum
hits that were programmed not only on this song but the whole album. It is
brilliant, technical and overwhelming at times. The next song, Tundra, slows
the music down quite a bit. This is needed after first track really. The
opening synth lines are a wave wash of sounds. The drums slowly kick in and
start bashing the beats against those waves. It is really a great contrast
piece though. Then the song completely changes. The synth line becomes more
melodic and the drums almost drop off but come back with a simple rock beat but
over time become more full and beat heavy. This is a great track when you want
a good beat but still want to relax. My next favorite track on this album, Dimotane
Co, starts out in the most annoying way,
a single tone for one minute. Then the song kicks in and you are so glad you
waited for that annoying song to stop and the actual song to start. It is all
drum and bass electronic but man it keeps you so interested in what is
happening with the song. The bass breaks remind me of the music that I used to experiment
with on the computer when I first got one of my own in 1996. I did not have
access to the instruments and software that Squarepusher had or maybe I would
be in a similar position as he, or maybe not, who knows. Anyway, this is yet
another track that, now that I have heard it, I don’t think I could live with
out. Goodnight Jade is another track that I really like for its simplicity. It
is a smooth slow synth piece with nothing on the drums but a steady one hit at
the start of every riff. It reminds me of a night where there are hazy clouds
out with a full moon giving the sky a really cool green tinge with maybe a London sky line from the
country side. It is really beautiful. The last track that I really like from
this album is also drum laden with great sounding synth keyboard sounds is
called Kodack. There are great shimmery sounds that over lay some simple synth
keys and the classic technical electric bass and programmed drums that
Squarepusher will have become known for. This is a great peek at what he will
do in the future with music. it is also a great place to start if you like
electronic and jazz music fused together. I would recommend this album all day
to every one!
This is the fifth studio album from beck. It was released in
1996. I remember that I was about to start college and was playing music with a
couple of friends over the summer. There were five singles released from this
album. It is still a very popular album. The album was produced by the Dust
Brothers who had previously worked with many hip-hop artists. The first single
from the album is the super famous Where It’s At. I really liked this song and
it was the reason that I bought the album. The track starts out with a great
intro on a Rhodes keyboard, yet another reason
for me to love the track as much as I do. The song is so catchy it is hart to
say that you don’t like it. The next single from the album is called Devil’s
Haircut. This song is also the opening to the album. There is a cool bass line
with a simple and constant guitar chord that plays through the song. There are
also some very cool guitar solos that happen on the song none of them are the
same and it keeps the song fresh. Beck has said that the song is about how an
outsider may view our greed and vanity in our current times (1996). The third
single released is called The New Pollution. This is a great drum driven track.
Easily danceable and the video featured 60s style dancers in the background, to
illustrate my point. There is also a great saxophone solo in this song. The
next single from the album is called Sissyneck. This track has a country song
feel to it. This feel is overlaid on an electronic sound. The fusion of the two
genres actually works quite well. But then beck has always dabbled in fussing
different genres. It is not one of my favorite tracks from the album but it
does work well. The last track released from this album is called Jack-Ass. This
is a slow song for the album. There is a lot of vibrato used in the
instrumentation of the track giving the listener time to think about what is
being played and said during the song. It has been said that this song is
really a lead-in for a future album from Beck called Sea Change, previously
reviewed. I would agree with this statement really. It is a beautiful track albeit
a little rough around the edges. I would like to add that my absolute favorite
track from this album is not a single. It is actually the track called High 5 (Rock
The Catskills). There is something special about this song for me. It is very
different with a little rap mixed into the electronic rock that the song is.
The chorus sings, “High five, more dead than alive/rockin the plastic like a
man from the catskills.” There is just something that is so engaging for me
about the way that it is sung. The album was reciently reissued as a deluxe
album with two CDs, the second CD containing remixes and B-sides from the
singles. This is another one of those great albums that everyone should hear at
least once!
This is the first full length album from the French duo Air.
It was released in 1998. It is an electronica/down tempo album. I first found
out about the group when they did the soundtrack for the movie The Virgin
Suisides. I loved that soundtrack and wanted more from them. This was the only
album that they had done previous to that sound track. There are only three
singles off this album. The first is called Sexy Boy. I remember hearing clips
of this track on an MTV2 channel check clip. I always thought to myself that is
a very cool sound clip. I wonder who the artist is. I never did the research to
find out though. It was not until after the sound track came out that I bought
the album and realized who the artist was, after listening to the music on the
CD of course. The music has a great bass line that sounds so cool. I think it
has some sort of vocal component to the bass line to give it that human/organic
sound that attracts the listener. The female vocals help as well. The second
single, called Kelly Watch The Stars, also has a great bass line but doesn’t
stand out as much as the first single. The vocals on this track are covered up
with a vocoder that makes the music blend very well. The vocals are not covered
up but are instead linked directly to a keyboard. The lyrics are mainly just
the repeating of the title of the track but that doesn’t make it any less of a
great song. The third single is called All I Need. This song was co-written with
Beth Hirsch who also sang the lyrics on the song. The bass line on this song
was taken from their song Les Professionnels that can be found on their first
EP, reviewed earlier this year, Premiers
SymptĂ´mes. The album as a whole is very good. If you like down tempo or want an
album to relax to, this is a good album to accomplish that with. The whole
album is a great chill out record.
Radiohead - TKOL RMX 8
I have reviewed the original seven remix records that the group have released. After the seventh and final remix album was released the group decided to put out three additional tracks on download only.You can get them at The King Of Limbs store and only at the store. The first track is the third part of the Jamie xx Rework. This is an amazing version of Bloom if I do say so my self. The second track is a second part remix from Anstam of the track Separator. This is pretty good but not the best. The third and last remix is from Nathan Fake. This track is a remix of Morning Mr Magpie. It is labeled as Harshdub RMX. This if actually very interesting version. Thom Yorke listed these tracks as they didn't make it in to us in time to be pressed on wax. Good music, check them out if you are into that sort of thing. They can be heard for free before buying them at the Dead Air Space web site.
Cutting it down to the wire here aren't I? As it stands I may not get to episode 50 this year. My work obligations for christmas are going to be more cumbersom than I thought this year. I know that it is only to more episodes to make it to number 50 but we will see what happens with december. I will be sure to post on FB (if you are friends with me) and Twitter (PurelyHim) when those last to episodes are released, if they are released though, you can be sure about that. You can always check my twitter feed which usually is only updated when I post a new episode.
On with the show...

Radiohead - TKOL RMX 8

Hopefully I will be able to get the last to out before the end of the year.
That is all for now...
Friday, November 11, 2011
Vol. 2 Episode 47

This is the third album from the group Bush. It was released
in 1999. There are three singles that were released from this album. The first
single is called The Chemicals Between Us. This song is unique from their
previous albums because of the use of electronic sounds and beats. The lead
singer, Gavin Rossdale said that the song was, “About differences and distances
between people.” The music to the song has a edgy sound that the band and the
alternative genre has been known for. It also has the classic underlying bass
guitar sound that I love. It is not a spectacular song but it is for sure a
different direction for the group. The second single from this album, Warm
Machine, is taken down in pace a notch. This song is in that limbo tempo that
becomes almost un danceable, if I were a dancing person that is. There are some
beautiful sounds that can be heard on this track but there is also something
about it that is unsettling. The last single from this album is called Letting
The Cables Sleep. This is the reason that I bought this album. This is an even
slower song than the second single from this album. This is that type of song
that covers you like a warm blanket of sunshine on a fall day. It is just
perfect. The song uses not only the standard guitar, bass and drums but also
uses a string quartet to add to the softening of the track. There is also a
piano and some electronic background noises. If you had never heard of this
group and were interested in them this is the song to start with. If you never
hear anything else from this group hear this song!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Vol. 2 Episode 46
I am making my way quickly to the end of this volume. There are only four more episodes after this post. Because of obligations with my place of business, Christmas time is almost upon us, I try to keep these postings going until the end of November. There are no postings in December. Volume three will start up again in January. I am hoping to have the first post up by January 14, 2012. This is just a reminder and I will probably post this reminder up again on the last post of this volume too. Thank you all for reading! On with the show...
Gold-Bears – Something To Think About
Gold-Bears – Something To Think About

That is all I have for now....
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Vol. 2 Episode 45

This is the absolute first released from Nada Surf. It is a
7” released in 1994. It is a two track single. This single was repressed for
the Nada Surf box set that also contained the groups first five albums and a
special download of a group of rare and live tracks. Both tracks are easily
found. The plan, the A side, is a track on their first album, High/Low.
Telescope, the B side, can be found on their first EP. The first EP was
recently repressed on clear red vinyl. I guess it was actually a couple years
ago now that the EP was repressed but I am sure that you could find it if you
wanted it. For me, this 7’ was a nice bonus in the box set along with the bonus
download album. I love the two songs because they bring me back to my high
school days. Some of my favorite high school memories are of finding new music
via MTV’s 120 Minutes and other shows that were on MTV including Beavis and

That is all I have for now...
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Vol. 2 Episode 44
I had a bit of a delay getting this one out with MEA in the schools and all, sorry.

Well, That is all I got for now...
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Vol. 2 Episode 43
Here is the review that I have been avoiding for a few years now. I am not sure why I have been avoiding it but here it is in its full 20 years later experience. There are, of course, some other goodies included after it.

That is all I have for now...
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