I knew about this EP but was not sure about it until I read a few reviews from Abandoned Pools fans. I looked it up on Amazon but found that the EP is just a CDR. So I decided to download the EP from iTunes for a cheaper price (3 bucks as opposed to 8). I have listened to it one time through. I find it fantastic. It is very reminiscent of Tommy’s previous work as Abandoned Pools. I have visited his new web site and found all kinds of new information about what Tommy has been up to. I knew about this before but he has collaborated with Rie Sinclair to create a group called Oliver The Penguin. They have put together a full album. There is also rumor of a new Abandoned Pools (AP) album. I hope sooner than later. I find Tommy to be a very interesting and musical man.
Surfer Blood – Astro Coast

I have listened to this album a few times now. I want to not like this album quit a bit. Every time I listen to it I seem to like it more and more with the exception of a couple of songs. It is literally two songs that I don’t like off the album. This drives me nuts because I would rather not like this album. I don’t know why but it is still a great indie album. Maybe it is the cover art, an artistic photo of a great white shark. Maybe it is my music snob mentality. This album has gotten a lot of indie music press praise since its release and this may be the reason that I don’t want to like it, anyway, moving on.
Free Energy – Stuck On Nothing

This album is absolutely fantastic indie pop at its finest. There is nothing special about this album. The group is just bringing back a classic rock sound that use to be very popular in the 60s or 70s. They do it with such accuracy and still in their way that it hits me with those nostalgic feelings. From the cow bell to the vocals and guitar work it is really great indie pop with classic rock roots.
White Lies – To lose My Life . . .

I listened to this album a few times. It is not that the album is not put together well. But it did not hit me in a good way. It reminded me of The Smiths or Joy Division but the music did not quite measure up to either of those groups. It was good and produced well but the album just did not give me that feeling. Maybe that was just it. The production was done so well that it over shadowed the flat music that the group had made. I am definitely not saying you shouldn’t get this album it just wasn’t the album for me. You should really make that decision for your self by listening with your own ears.
My own work (PurelyHim), has been coming along slowly. I am not happy but I am also happy at the same time. The work that I do accomplish I love but the recording comes at such slow pace that makes me frustrated at times. I feel that this album should have been finished so long ago. I have been working on it since 2007 with short bursts of recording time. It is still fun to work on even though it is slow.
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