There will be a single released for the veronica falls track
called Teenage. It will be released March 12, 2013. This info was officially
released by Slumberland Records this week. The UK version of this
single has been out for a while now. You can actually pick it up from the bands web page while supplies last. There will be a different cover used for
the SLR version. It is different from the UK version. The songs will be the same though.
The preorder is now up for the new Bleached album. It comes
with an immediate download of the album if you get it from Dead Oceans along with a few extra goodies. You can
also get it from your favorite e-taler.
Record Store Day 2013 is fast approaching (April 20th 2013). The lists are not up yet but expect them soon! I am very excited as I will be getting my new born son his very first record!
Record Store Day 2013 is fast approaching (April 20th 2013). The lists are not up yet but expect them soon! I am very excited as I will be getting my new born son his very first record!
And here we go...

The first single from the album was released a few months
back. That song is called Default. I talked about this single in Vol. 3 Episode50. I had this to say about it: “The song is super glitchy sounding. As a
matter of fact the opening few notes are so dizzying your head will spin until
the whole track kicks in to straighten it out. The bass line sounds very similar
to something that Radiohead wrote but there is enough difference with the other
parts of the song that it is easily over looked. There are vocals on this track
and they are silky smooth Yorke vocals. I know that the group is supposed to
consist of other members but this song seems like it is all Thom like the album
that He put out as his solo effort, The Eraser. I like it but was also looking
forward to hearing some bass lines from Flea.”
The second single from the album, to be released in the
beginning of March, is called Judge Jury & Executioner. This song has been
floating around for quite a while. I have a live version from the recording
that was done at the Orpheum Theater back in 2009. I am very excited to have an
official studio version of the song. The song has a cool start off with a beat
box bass line. This is used sporadically through out the song but is a cool way
to start the song off. The vocals are very cool and the backing vocals are very
floaty additional Yorke vocals. There is also a nice acoustic guitar that fits
between the vocals and human styled bass line. The drums seem to be more
programmed than real/live drums. The vocals work really well and that is why I
like the song. The live version that I have of this song some how doesn’t feel
as full as this studio version. I think that is because the floaty vocals are
not on the live version as is the extra percussion. Both versions have their
merits though.
There is already a third single being pushed digitally so
far. That song is called Ingenue. It is a very electronic/synth track but it
works with the big drum beat that pushes its way to the front. Yorkes’ vocals
are pushed back a bit with this track so you mainly just get the musicality of
his voice. This is a good track from the album but I think that there are
stronger stracks on the album that could have been released before this one.
They have done it again. With the release of their second
album, Veronica falls have released a second volume of covers. There have only
been 600 of this vinyl record pressed. They will also be selling a CD tour
version of this second EP when they come to your town soon. The record was
supposed to come out next month but I found my copy in the mail last week. This
means that it was released in February 2013. The group took all their equipment
over to the guitarists place to record this EP after finishing up the second
album. All the songs were recorded in one take to an eight track reel-to-reel
tape. The tracks were recorded this was because of an eviction notice on the
flat and the band wanted to keep the noise down to avoid complaints from the
neighbors. They also recorded the vocals in the bathroom to get natural reverb.
This is an EP that is created just for the fans. There are no singles that will
be released from this EP.
The first track is called Is Anybody There? The track is a
cover of a cover. The song was originally recorded by Cocksperrer. Veronica Falls specifically stated on the cover
of the record that they covered the Home Blitz cover version. It is a fun punk
song about a band that thinks that nobody knows who they are.
The second track is a cover of a Bob Dylan track Love Minus
Zero/No Limit. I have never heard the original track. This cover version fits Veronica Falls perfectly. It is a slower track
that plays to their strengths. It is sweet and moving.
The third track is called Teenagers, originally recorded by
The Rats. This is a good punk song that sort of fits the groups’ style. The
song is interesting though and I can look past the rough sound of the track. It
is a short track and it also works because of that.
The fourth track that was covered is called Burry Me Happy.
This is a cover track from The Moles. This track also fits the groups’ style and
reminds me a little bit of the track from their new album called Burry Me
Alive. This track, Burry Me Happy, is a softer track and really stands out for
me as single worthy if they were going to release one.
The Fifth track, called Timeless Melody, is a cover from The
La’s. I have always liked the La’s but never got into their music. I have never
heard this track but the way that Veronica
Falls sounds this track
apparently works very well. I think this is almost as good as the previous
The last track that they cover was originally recorded by
Ween. The song is called What Deaner Was Talking About. I have never been a fan
of Ween. That being said, This is a very slow song that sort of works for the
band. I feel like they have pushed themselves out of their comfort zones for
this track. This is a good rendition but not a great rendition.
I believe that Rough Trade Records has sold out on this release but if you gotta have it you can get it from Discogs. Sadly, the tracks have not been put up on YouTube yet so you can not listen to them there.

There has not been an official single released from this
album as of yet. The album is very different from MOE. It is more rock inspired
and deals with themes from the book. The book is a sci-fi based Christian
novel. I have not yet listened to the book but am looking forward to it. This
album musically reminds me more of their first couple of albums. I liked those
albums a lot more than some of their more recent work. Therefore I like this
album more than MOE. I think that it has more meaning to it musically and

There are six tracks on this record. They are all synth
infused funk tracks. Prince composed one of the tracks on the album and it
stands out above the other five tracks. The song is called Just Another Sucker.
The song is a fun pop/funk track that really sounds like it came from the late
70s during the dance/disco craze. It has a great guitar sound, cool slap bass
and the early synth sounds of the start of the electronic era.
It is really a fun funk album. If you are looking for more
from Prince, this is an interesting side. If you are digging for fun funk from
the 70s don’t over look this 80s release of 70s funk material.
That is all I have for now...
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