Last night was The Pains of Being Pure At Heart concert at the Triple Rock Social Club. The Doors opened at 8. We showed up a little bit after 8. The place was almost empty at that time. We found a table on the edges of the dance area and planted. I had never been to the Triple Rock and was amazed at how small the place was. I had never been to anything smaller than First Ave. I thought that was the smallest club ever. The Triple Rock is a quarter of the size of First Ave. The opening group, Twin Shadow, did not come on until about 9. They were ok. The drummer was rock solid and so much better than the rest of the band, sorry guys. The lyrics left something to be desired. The keyboards were quite good though. I cant say that I altogether enjoyed the nostalgic sounds of Morrisy or other low toned 80s vocal sound rehashed. But, I am not that big of a fan of The National either, kind of the same sound. The groups lead singer asked if this was where The Replacements came from, he thought this was fact. It was true but the crowd seemed to poo poo this question because it was common knowledge. The replacements are too popular for this particular crowd to acknowledge, hipsters.
There was a break between the sets. This is when I went up to the merchandise booth. They had every thing that was still in production, CD and vinyl. They had the 7” 45 of Say No To Love. I had purchased that earlier in the year on CD. I decided to get it. I looked at the guy that was selling me the 45 and realized that he was the singer for the band, Kip. I had him sign the cover on the spot. I thought that it was so cool that he was selling his own product. I went back to my table and the collector in me kicked in. I had to have all of the band members’ signatures. The group started sound checking after that. I tried to get the keyboardists signature, I thought it was Kim for some reason, just after the sound check. She had her mind on preparing for the concert so I did not get it then.
The second half of the concert started after that. The instant that the music started I wanted to see the group play. I got up on my chair with one knee and the other foot on one of the runs of my chair. That just was not cutting it. I went to a kneeling position on the seat of the chair. That was so much better. I was in that position for the rest of the concert. That was painful when I got down I tell you. Kip was so much fun to watch. As was Peggy, Not Kim as I found out after the concert. The lead guitarist, Christoph, and the bassist, Alex, were just not into the concert. I don’t know if they are always like this or if they were just not into playing for crowds. The drummer, Kurt, was having fun but still was not as fun to watch either. They played all of the singles, some of the regular album tracks and a few b-sides during the show. When they said that they were going to play their last song I was so bummed. They finished that song and like an eighth of the crowed disappeared. I kept screaming for the band to come back on. They came back on for three more songs. It was awesome. The joint basically cleared out after that.
I hung around to get the rest of the bands signatures on that 45. I got Christoph then Kurt. Alex came out a bit after those two. Then I hung around for a bit waiting for Peggy. I finally asked Kurt if he could get Kim so I could get her signature. He said, “Oh, you mean Peggy.” I said, “Yes, Peggy. I don’t know what I was thinking, Peggy.” I felt like a moron. I think that she reminded me of a Kim because I knew it was Peggy. Anyway, I followed Kurt down to the stage. Kip then asked me if I wanted his signature. I said that I got his when I bought the 45 but that I needed Peggy to sign. I think it kind of dawned on him that I was that guy that asked him to sign when I purchased it. He ran back stage real quick and Peggy came out right after him. She signed and I thanked and complemented her while she signed. To the other members of the band, I don’t think I thanked you for the show, thank you so much for a great show too.
I wanted to send a thank you note to the band the following morning. I signed on to the Facebook and wrote a quick note to the group on their page. I went to take a look to see if maybe they made a comment back. I found that the post was removed. I went looking for other ways to contact the group. I went to their web site and couldn’t find a way to leave them a message any where. I went to their record company and couldn’t find anything there either. This was a bit disappointing. How is a group supposed to know where their fans are and get any kind of appreciative feedback if they can’t hear from their fans? I hope that they find their way back to this blog in some way. Thanks so much guys. I hope you can come back to Minneapolis MN again. I had a great time and thanks for signing the 45!
The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart's Setlist:
I Wanna Go All The Way
This Love Is Fucking Right!
Higher Than The Stars
The Body
Heaven's Gonna Happen Now
Stay Alive
Heart In Your Heartbreak
My Terrible Friend
Come Saturday
Young Adult Friction
Everything With You
The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart
For more on this concert check out the City Pages review too.
Thom Yorke – Eraser

This is a solo effort from Thom. It is mainly glitch beats but there is a fair dose of real instruments involved as well. Even though there are lots of electronic sounds this album sounds good. I think that anybody could get into this album. It is done very well and musically sounds great. The album was released in 2006. I like the album but I don’t really have a specific memory associated to the album. This was during a time where Christian music was starting to push out every other album. I tried to keep up with my other music tastes while learning about new Christian acts at the same time. I did not have time to listen to every thing but I still bought the things that I liked in pop music. It is good music, I know the songs, but I don’t have a concrete memory associated.
The Postal Service – Give Up

The group is Ben Gibbard of Death Cab For Cutie and Jimmy Tamborello of Dntel. The group decided on the name The Postal Service because of the way in which they wrote the music for the album. Jimmy would record the music for the songs and send them via USPS to Ben and he would edit and add vocals. I liked this group but did not know much about them when the album was released in 2003. It was not until 2006 that I got the CD. I got this album and the other three singles as a birthday gift from the girl that I would end up marrying. Our birthdays are about a month apart. We each got each other a music gift. I got her a copy of Tapes ‘N Tapes – The Loon. I had no idea who they were, some local band. Any way, back to The Postal Service, the groups sound is a smooth sign wave of synth geniusness. I also just realized that all of the songs on this album, in iTunes, are labeled wrong. How weird is that? I was looking at the track list thinking where are the singles. I also have this album on vinyl. I have never listened to it but I own it. I really should listen to it though.
Nine Inch Nails – The Slip

This album was released in 2008. It is the last album that Trent Rezner has released as NIN. He sais that there will be more music from NIN but is not sure when. This album was originally released for free on the NIN web site with a physical release done later. The album was released on CD in limited quantity, 250,000 units, and as a 180 gram vinyl. The CD also came with a DVD that had some live rehearsals of some of the tracks on the album including the single Discipline. There were some artwork stickers that came in the package too. I remember coming back from my wifes’ parents place and stopping at the Best Buy on the way to pick this up. It was just a quick run into the store to pick it up but it was my fist time in that particular store. It is neither a good or a bad memory, more of a first time memory. The single from the album, Discipline, did not have a physical release. This is the first time this has happened with the group. This is also the first album that does not have a major record company backing NIN. This is probably the reason for the lacking CD single. The single charted well on the charts, top ten peak position for the most part.
Oingo Boingo – Nothing To Fear

This is the second album that the group released. It was released in 1982. I believe that there were a few singles on this album. There was a video shot for the song Private Life. The video basically depicts the lyrics as they are sung by Danny Elfman, the lead singer. The second single was Insects. This song featured electronic sounds that sounded like bugs buzzing around. The third single, Wild Sex (In The Working Class), was a song used in the John Hues movie, Sixteen Candles. Danny has an unmistakable voice. This album is one of my favorites. It was one of my first vinyl purchases when I started getting into collecting vinyl. I remember purchasing this album along with a few others used from a local record store called Cheapo Records. This was at their old location. The new location looks almost the same as the old on the inside. This is sort of funny to me. The only difference is that the toilets are located at a different part of the store. I kind of like it, it is a change but it is the same. The album is come classic new wave music that should be in everyone’s collection.
Owl City – Ocean Eyes

This album was released in the summer of 2009. This is the second album from Owl City, Adam Young. The big hit from this album was the song Fireflies. It was the most downloaded song that summer, what ever that means. My son loved this song. Every time it came on the radio he would sing along. I downloaded the song for free as it was featured on iTunes as a free download. He was able to listen to the song when ever he wanted. My wife was taking him to school and they would listen to the song every day that she took him to school. I bought this album for my son that Christmas. I got it for him as his first album. He was so excited. What is better is that I got it for him on vinyl. We did not know it until he opened the packaging but the records, it is a double vinyl, were colored. One is white and the other is a clear rich blue color. The album came with a digital download coupon too so we could listen to the album on the go. The album is really a great positive album for kids. I am glad that we got it for him.
Foo Fighters – Greatest Hits EP

The Foo Fighters put out a greatest hits album. I have no need for a greatest hits album from the group. I have all of their albums already. There were some extra tracks included. I wanted these tracks but was not willing to shell out the money to get 13 songs that I already owned. I found out that iTunes was selling an EP with the tracks that I wanted. I purchased that in an instant. The EP consists of 4 songs and a video of one of those tracks. There are two new songs, Wheels and Word Forword. There is also an acoustic version of Everlong and a cover of the song Band On The Run, originally recorded by Paul McCartney and Wings. The cover is very faithful to the original recording. This is what I like best about the cover. It is not done in a way that the Foo Fighters think it should have been done it was done to sound as close to the original song as possible. The acoustic version of Everlong is very good. It is just Dave Grohl singing and playing guitar. It is just a good version of that song. The two new songs are good but obviously would not have worked on a full album. Wheels sounds like something that Tom Petty would have written. I like it. The video is of Wheels and is nothing more than the group playing in a recording studio with very little light. The video is nothing special really. I am glad that I found a way to get the songs that I was missing with out buying a bunch of songs that I already owned.